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dc.descriptionThis video was recorded at REFRESH! THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE HISTORIES OF ART, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - September 28 - 0ct 1, as a peer-reviewed scholarly work chosen for inclusion.
dc.title'Media Art Net': Database and Context
dc.contributor.authorFrieling, Rudolf
dc.description.abstract"Media Art Net": Database and Context "Media Art Net" aims at mediating and contextualizing media art online, a project edited by Rudolf Frieling and Dieter Daniels and commissioned by ZKM (Center for Art and Media), Karlsruhe, and Goethe-Institut, Munich, with financial support from the German Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF). For the first time, a substantial amount of basic data and documents related to media and art have not only been gathered but also cross-referenced and thematically linked by the curators and authors. An initial step is the "Survey of Media Art" which already shows the potential of a database-driven context machine. Topical surveys by international curators are launched in the beginning of 2005 to complete the project.

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