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dc.descriptionThis video was recorded at REFRESH! THE FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE HISTORIES OF ART, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY - September 28 - 0ct 1, as a peer-reviewed scholarly work chosen for inclusion.
dc.contributor.authorDurand, Guy Sioui
dc.description.abstractGuy Sioui Durand will propose a socio-critical examination of two zones of « indicipline » in artistic practice : social transactions art (or “esthétique relationnelle”) and trans-diciplinary (or trans-media) sound art. He will suggest that these practices express our contemporary sensibility in an era of “glocalisation” (thinking global and acting local) and of intercultural metissage. After identifying trans-historical models that contribute to a redefinition of interdisciplinarity in the arts, Sioui Durand will focus on the contribution of First Nations Artists. He will underline the technological dimensions of orally-based art practices by those that use performance art, sound and visuals in innovative ways where they meet social preoccupations. For Guy Sioui Durand, Aboriginal orality is his own guiding thread through what he calls “conference/performance”, as it will present at REFRESH

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