Refresh! Conference - Presentations: Recent submissions
Now showing items 101-118 of 118
From Scenography to Planetary Network
(2005-10)Spectacular and technological, between the historic Avant-Garde and Post-Modernity, Jacques Polieri crosses and deconstructs data. Since the scenographic design of his shows is more complex than simply decorating space, ... -
From Nothingness to Technology, What Do We Read Ourselves in New Media
(2005-10)From the early beginning of western art history, art and technology are inseparable. The original meaning of the word "techne" in ancient Greek means "art" and "craft". The term "technology", was therefore a discourse on ... -
From Cybercolonialism to Cyberglocalization: A Virtual Shifting of Cultural Identity on National Museum Websites
Internet communications technologies change culture and subsequently how a museum represents itself. This is particularly so as national musea websites transform how we view and understand the cultural artifacts they house. ... -
Ectogenesis and Mother as Machine
(2005-10)The paper addresses the often neglected nexus between mother and machine, through the histories of the ideas of "ectogenesis" and "cybernetic organism". A discussion of Smith-Windsor's maternal experience as a cyborg-mother ... -
Digital computer art: A view from art history into the early beginnings
(2005-10)In 1965 Max Bense published the 'Aesthetica'. Referring to David Birkoff's mathematical aesthetics, Claude Shannons Information theory and Norbert Wieners Cybernetics, Bense developed a new aesthetic based on strict science. ... -
Digital Analysis of Structure and Form
(2005-10)The use of digital technologies can allow for an extended and enhanced understanding of art and architecture. The logical and parametric encoding used in data description languages can enable us to characterize relationship ... -
Dialogue: Assimilation: Subversion - Contemporary New Media Native Art in Canada
(2005-10)How is Western technology incorporated in the artistic discourse of non Western cultures? In 1992, BC Native artist Lawrence Paul Yuxweluptun presented a virtual reality installation Inherent Rights, Vision Rights at the ... -
CyberRace Constructs: Transnational Identities in Roshini Kempadoo’s Ghosting
(2005-10)In debates concerning the underpinnings of cybertheory, the issue of race has become increasingly contentious. As C. Fusco argues, the "rather euphemistic discourse about the post-human era" has, not surprisingly, ... -
Biofeedback and the arts: listening as experimental practice
(2005-10)Since the 1960's biofeedback has been incorporated into cognitive science practice with experimental medical and therapeutic research involving both animal and human subjects. Concurrently, feedback was an important model ... -
ARTS AND APPARATUS - Plea for the Dramatisation of an Interface - In Support of a Dramatics of the Difference
(Intersubjectivity: media metaphors, play & provocation - 6th international Vilém Flusser symposium - Budapest Hungary, 1997-03-15)In the world of metaphors in and around the net, the relation to life has become remarkable central. Biology as a discipline has occupied a leading role. If we look towards the autonomy of the ethics and aesthetics of the ... -
Ambientes Imersivos e participativos
(Brasília: IdA, 2005-09)Ambientes imersivos e participativos nesse texto são espaços que se utilizam do sistema computacional para promover uma ilusão perceptiva e que estimulam os sentidos do visitante através de aparatos multimidiáticos. Nos ... -
After Brunelleschi, after Alberti…
(2004) -
A History of Art in a Science Museum
When the Exploratorium opened in 1969, its founder Frank Oppenheimer challenged the worlds of formal and informal education with a new kind of public learning center. Knowing the power of personal discovery - individual ...