Now showing items 41-60 of 118

    • Oscillations... Occasions of Excess and Interrogation 

      Sharma, Aparna
      This paper discusses the complexity surrounding inter-cultural exchange, from a post-colonial, critical Indian perspective. For this, I consider my film practice, informed by discourses and thoughts I have engaged within ...
    • The Semiosis of Media Art, Science and Technology 

      Santaella, Lucia
      The notion of semiotic mediation is proposed as a dynamic hypothesis for the remodeling of our conceptual framework in the volatile time we are living in. Semiosis can function as an anthropological-historical rainbow to ...
    • Open Source Culture 

      Tribe, Mark
      Artists have always influenced and imitated one another, but in the 20th century various forms of appropriation, from collage to sampling, emerged as an alternative to originary creativity. Instead of making things entirely ...
    • On the History of Interaction between Art and Technology -Toward the Cultural Evolution of Human-being 

      Sakane, Itsuo
      Reflection on the historical contribution of several key institutions in the world, which could have changed the art movement since 60s till now drastically, and about the insightful role of the key leaders who had deeply ...
    • Music: The First Digital Art 

      Kahn, Douglas
      The early period of computers arts, from the mainframes of the 1950s through the first microcomputers during the late-1970s, has been understood as a period of attempts and possibilities rather than achievements. The ...
    • MediaArtHistories: Times & Landscapes (Introduction to the Session) 

      Grau, Oliver
      After photography, film, video, and the little known media art history of the 1960s-80s, today media artists are active in a wide range of digital areas (including interactive, genetic, telematic and nanoart). Media Art ...
    • Media Arts and Media Archaeology - Collision or Convergence 

      Huhtamo, Erkki
      The defining characteristic of the media arts is often considered to be their occupation with the most recent technologies. Purporting to uncover their unused potential, media artists push their boundaries, scrutinizing ...
    • Making Studies in New Media Critical 

      Lenoir, Tim
      Science Studies faces new challenges in making public the societal and ethical implications of contemporary technoscience. Not only must we contend with its multidisciplinary character, and its close linkage to entrepreneurial ...
    • Logic of Innovation: Interpreting 'Invention' in Art and Science 

      Werrett, Simon
      In the sixteenth and seventeenth century, 'invention' often referred to a process of composition which traversed artistic, literary, and scientific fields. In the eighteenth century, the concept changed its meaning, ...
    • Latent Rhythm: Algorithmic Performativity in Media Art and Islamic Calligraphy 

      Marks, Laura U.
      Algorithmic art forms are characterized by latent movement. If an algorithm is a statement of instructions that will bring about a new state, then many repetitive art forms can be said to be algorithmic. In computer media, ...
    • Is New Media New? 

      Burnett, Ron
      The disciplines that constitute Art and Design have developed into rapidly evolving research domains that include sound, image, video, digital media, mixed media (including print media), new forms of visual expression, ...
    • Methodologies (Introduction to the Session) 

      Hansen, Mark; Huhtamo, Erkki
      This session tries to give a critical overview of which methods art history has been using during the past to approach media art. Papers regarding media archaeological, anthropological, narrative and observer oriented ...
    • Indiscipline 

      Durand, Guy Sioui
      Guy Sioui Durand will propose a socio-critical examination of two zones of « indicipline » in artistic practice : social transactions art (or “esthétique relationnelle”) and trans-diciplinary (or trans-media) sound art. ...
    • Idiosyncratic Archaeologies: Realigning Media History 

      Druckrey, Timothey
      There’s little argument that the history of ‘media art’ is not limited to the mere deployment of specific implementations. To formulate media histories as a mere evolution of an apparatus linked with progressive notions ...
    • How Anti-Computer Sentiment Shaped Early Computer Art 

      Grant, Taylor
      Artist physically attacked by protestors! Art works severely censured by art critics! Art curator’s career curtailed by the establishment! What kind of art could elicit such negative, indifferent or fearful response? This ...
    • Hollis Frampton's Algorithmic Aesthetic 

      Sanborn, Keith
      Using Borges's essay on Coleridge's "Kublai Khan" as a metaphor for personal artistic evolution and the unfolding of media history, this essay investigates the trajectory of Hollis Frampton's theoretical and media work as ...
    • Hey, Look at Me! Thoughts on the Canonical Exclusion of Early Electronic Art 

      Seck Langill, Caroline
      This paper will address the absence of early electronic art from the historically evolving artistic canon. Looking specifically at work produced between 1970 and 1995 by Canadian artists, Doug Back, Catherine Richards, Tom ...
    • Grounded Materialities: Who Isn't Interdisciplinary? 

      Straw, Will
      My intervention will make the case that interdisciplinary has become a meaningless context given the broad dispersion of cultural theory into all activity, the inevitably historical character of all work, and the inescapable, ...
    • Database of Virtual Art - For an Expanded Concept of Documentation 

      Berndt, Christian
      The Database of Virtual Art documents the rapidly evolving field of digital installation art. This complex, research-oriented overview of immersive, interactive, telematic and genetic art has been developed in cooperation ...
    • Database/New Scientific Tools (Introduction to the Session) 

      Grau, Oliver; Broeckmann, Andreas
      Accessing and browsing the immense amount of data produced by individuals, institutions, and archives has become a key question to our information society. In which way can new scientific tools of structuring and visualizing ...