Refresh! Conference - Presentations: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 118
CyberRace Constructs: Transnational Identities in R. Kempadoo's Ghosting
In debates concerning the underpinnings of cybertheory, the issue of race has become increasingly contentious. As C. Fusco argues, the "rather euphemistic discourse about the post-human era" has, not surprisingly, ... -
Cross-Disciplinary Research Methods (Introduction to the Session)
The pressure to become interdisciplinary is very intense—coming from a variety of disciplines and institutions. Ironically, this pressure has been around for a very long time. So, why don’t we just strive for excellence ... -
Cross Culture – Global Art (Introduction to the Plenary Session)
The panels in Cross-Culture--Global Art provide an opportunity to examine cross-cultural influences, the global and the local. New media histories include dramatically different influences and parallels to new media art. ... -
Creative Networks: Frictionless or Regulated?
Musicians remixing each other, programmers hacking together an open code project, and activists organizing grass-roots campaigns depend on easy access to each other's time and labor. While networked creativity usually ... -
Computer Games: Art in the 21st Century
The nature of art is rarely theorized according to its media, although people commonly define painting and sculptures as art, and "new media" references an elusive, ever-changing "media" as critical to defining its nature ... -
Computation, Aesthetics, and Representation: A Critical Examination of the "The Thesis of Computational Sufficiency & Explanation" and the Incorporation of "The Argument from Human Creativity"
This talk critically examines two theoretical proposals with respect to contemporary Philosophy of Mind and Aesthetics - The Thesis of Computational Sufficiency and Explanation” and what I refer to as “The Argument from ... -
Collecting, Preserving and Archiving the Media Arts (Introduction to the Plenary Session)
Collections grow because of different influences such as art dealers, the art market, curators and currents in the international contemporary art scene. What are the conditions necessary for a wider consideration of media ... -
CAVEs Projecting Imagination into Reality across High Speed Networks
Artists, researchers and scientists together can create a CAVE Automated Virtual Environment (CAVE) that can be shared between remote locations simultaneously. CAVE art collaborations are networked through Amsterdam, Linz, ... -
Bridging Two Cultures: Towards an Interdisciplinary History of the Artist-Inventor and the Machine Artwork
This paper asserts the existence of a long tradition of practice which exploits electronic and mechanical technologies for cultural purposes. It is a quintessentially interdisciplinary practice that pursues technical ... -
Between Media and Art, or Media Art with and Against Art History
My talk will take up my earlier confrontation of Art History (in the form of Rosalind Krauss’s meditations on media art) and Media Studies (in the form of Lev Manovich’s historicization of new media in reference to various ... -
Between Form and Concept - The Positioning of Computer-Based Arts in the Late 1960s
Exhibitions as "Software” [The Jewish Museum, New York, 1970] and the "Tendencije" exhibitions [Zagreb, 1968/69/1973] proclaimed relations between computer generated or controlled artworks and specific artistic movements. ... -
Art as Research / Artists as Inventors (Introduction to the Session)
Do “innovations” and “inventions” in the field of art differ from those in the field of technology and science? Do artists still contribute anything “new” to those fields of research – and did they ever in history? Which ... -
Archiving of Computer Games
The growing attention on computer games is great and more than justified, but for all the efforts to understand the games and to push them forward, attention on and access to the huge tradition of the works themselves is ... -
An Aesthetics of Play - or, How to Appreciate Interactive Fun
Moving towards an understanding of interactive fun, I posit the inclination towards a "cut and paste principle", or what can also be thought of as ‘hacking’, as a component in the "aesthetics of play", that is, the pleasures ... -
Tracing the Dynabook: A Historiograph
(2005-10)In 1970, Alan Kay began a project at Xerox' Palo Alto Research Center that would have an unparalleled impact on the media landscape of the 21st century; he set out to invent personal computing. Kay's contributions are, in ... -
A System of Formal Notation for Scoring Works of Digital and Variable Media Art
(2005-10)This talk proposes a new approach to conceptualizing digital and media art forms. This theoretical approach will be explored through issues raised in the process of creating a formal declarative model for digital and media ... -
Going Beyond the Body's Limits: Raoul Hausmann's Art of Prosthetic Perception
(2005-10)Going Beyond the Body's Limits: Raoul Hausmann's Art of Prosthetic Perception Avant-garde cultures of the 1920s, revolving around then-new media, envisioned the fusion of art and technology as a decisive step in the shaping ... -
The Reception and Rejection of Art and Technology: Exclusions and Revulsions
(2005-10)The development and use of science and technology by artists always has been, and always will be, an integral part of the art-making process. Nonetheless, the canon of western art history has not placed sufficient emphasis ...