re-CREATE Conference - Presentations: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-72 of 72
Entendre la guerre, éprouver le temps : l’expérience sonore dans Starry Night (2006) de Mazen Kerbaj
Lors d’une conférence prononcée à Montréal (FTA, 2014), les artistes Rabih Mroué et Lina Saneh ont témoigné du désenchantement lié à l’impossibilité de se projeter dans le futur au cours de la guerre civile libanaise ... -
End Time: Apocalyptic Systems in Media Art and Design
In contemporary art, design, and architecture, generative, recombinatory or autopoetic aesthetics often come not from a space of openended possibility, but of hope against specific perceived crises or catastrophes. In ... -
Edmund Carpenter’s Experiments across Visual Anthropology and Critical Media Pedagogies
This presentation explores the neglected contributions of the unorthodox cultural anthropologist Edmund Carpenter (19222011) to crossdisciplinary media and communication studies. Carpenter worked in CBC radio, film, ... -
Digital Art History, 56°56’51” N 24°6’23”E
Fortunately Latvia has found a place in Media Art history. This is evidenced by the annual festival Art+Communication held in Riga, the pioneering status of ELAB as the early developers of Net Art, the prix Ars Electronica ... -
Curating Humanism: Negotiating the Politics of New Media, 1965/2015
On December 15, 1970, Howard Wise announced that he was closing his gallery in New York City. Throughout the 1960s, Wise’s exhibitions had stridently promoted the use of new media technologies in art, including computers (1965) ... -
Cultural Software - Materiality and Abstraction in 60s art and technology
The 1960s saw an explosion of new art genres: happenings, environments, performance art, body art, sitespecific art, minimalism, art+technology, expanded cinema and conceptual art. These practices were often identified ... -
The Co-production of Art: Collaborations between artists, scientists and engineers in Sweden, 1967-2009
During the 1960s, when artists started to gain access to computers at universities and research departments in the industry, a new kind of collaboration between artists and engineers emerged. Today, during the first decade ... -
Coming To Our Senses: A Report on the Sensory Turn in Curatorial and Media Art Practice
This paper begins by charting the emergence of sensory studies as an autonomous field and method of inquiry. Its genesis is traced to the sensory turn in a range of humanities and social science disciplines, which gave ... -
A Brief (Media) History of the Indigenous Future
Indigenous people have been subject to willful misrepresentation via Western media technologies since the first written accounts returned to Europe from the conquistadores and colonists in the 15th century. Paul Kane used ... -
Audio Toy Box: Building customizable communication therapy toys using Radio Frequency Identification
‘Critical Making’ understood as hybrid conceptual/material practices supported by humanistic theories and assumptions are increasingly en vogue. Increasingly, humanities faculties in North America are developing programs ... -
‘The Arts Make Us Richer’™: Propertization of Digital Art Using Cryptocurrency Technologies
This paper explores recent efforts by cultural institution and private startup companies to engineer digital art markets using cryptocurrency technologies in order to propertize digital artworks that were previously ... -
Aphasic Aesthetics: Thinking with the Body across Disability Studies, Media Art and Phenomenology
This paper explores the intersection between speech therapy, immersive multimedia installation art and phenomenological approaches to empathy. Taking as a case study contemporary artists that are engaging in a dialogue ...