dc.description.abstract | This paper explores recent efforts by cultural institution and private startup companies to engineer digital art markets
using cryptocurrency technologies in order to propertize digital artworks that were previously presumed to be
‘uncollectible’ and ‘unsellable.’ I argue that such developments are heavily suffused with neoliberal perspectives that
counteract media artists’ efforts to situate their work outside the cultural and economic logic of propertybased
The ‘virtual,’ the ‘digital,’ and the ‘immaterial’ hold special significance with regard to media artists’ ability to shield
their creative practices from the circuits of propertybased art production and dissemination. Media art frequently
invents new digital contexts of creative expression that disrupt capitalist technologies of commodification and
monetization. But because digital culture also holds the potential of representing hugely profitable markets, digital art
practices are under constant threat of being assimilated coopted by digital capital.
Tying digital art works to cryptocurrency blockchain entries could render them as truly ‘unique’ digital artifacts – as
commoditized artworks with a clear, indisputable ‘pedigree.’ Such efforts are purportedly guided by a desire to protect
artists’ ownership rights. But in stemming the uncontrollable diffusion of inherently copyable, malleable, and
recombinable digital artifacts, these efforts also share the economic agendas of our current, expansive intellectual
property regimes. Discussing relevant commercial and critical projects driven by Ascribe.io, Rhizome.org, and
Furtherfield.org, I argue that the regulation of digital art markets through cryptocurrency technologies fundamentally
contradicts the dynamic nature of the digital and the ideals of openness that guide many media artists. The fencing in
of digital art in tightly controlled virtual marketplaces can serve only to undermine – not to embody – the ‘value' of the
works to which such technologies seek to attach themselves. | |