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dc.descriptionBiography: Bilge Hasdemir is master student in Media Art Cultures Erasmus Mundus Joint Degree Program. She received B.S and M.S degrees in Sociology from Middle East Technical University and during her previous master study, she also studied in Humboldt Universitat zu Berlin for one semester. In her master thesis "Art as Social Process: Hybrid Constitution of New Media Art Form", she investigated relational formation of the field of new media art in Turkey through intersections of art, science and technology. For her study, she also conducted field research with new media artists living in Istanbul. The more she delved into analysis, the stronger her enthusiasm to learn about fields of art and their driving forces became and it was this enthusiasm that made her study Media Art Cultures Program in an excited manner. Her current research interests are local media art histories, media archaeology, interdisciplinarity discussions in field of media art, intersections of art, science and technology.
dc.titleDigging the (new) media art scene of İstanbul: Towards Media Art Historical Re-discovery
dc.contributor.authorHasdemir, Bilge
dc.description.abstractThis study is an attempt to excavate and analyze (new) media art scene of İstanbul in order to explore the particularities in the field and local histories of media art. There is still ambiguity about what (new) media art is and when the notion of “new” comes along with media art piece. Thus, it is important to trace back to histories of media art in the context of Turkey and investigate the notion of the “new”. One of the argument of this study is that there is no randomness in status of “new” in media art case; instead, there are certain common characteristics, maybe a kind of pattern in the experience of the works/media. What embedded in the notion of the “new” and what potentials and possibilities it enables in the case of new media art scene of İstanbul are thus guiding questions in this paper. The paper aims to rediscover cultural and institutional continuities/discontinuities/(re)formations in new media art scene of İstanbul in its state of flux relations/relationings.
dc.subjectlocal media art histories
dc.subjectmedia art scene of İstanbul
dc.subjectmedia archaeology

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