Donau Universitaet: Recent submissions
Now showing items 221-240 of 438
Images médicales entre art et science
(De Boeck & Larcier, 2007)This paper is part of a still working in progress, which aims to investigate the interactions between art and scientific images. It introduces artworks from the Brazilian artist Monica Mansur and explores questions such ... -
Iambic Tetrameter in the Service of Revolution
(Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, 2006-11)Writing in his book „The Mind and Face of Bolshevism“ about the revolutionary poetry in the Soviet Russia at the early 1920ies a famous Austrian sociologist Rene Fueloep-Miller has mentioned one educational institution of ... -
The Haptic Transfer and the Travels of the Abstract Line: Embodied perception from classical Islam to modern Europe
(Löcker Verlag (Vienna), 2007)The major formal elements of Western modernism, the haptic image and abstract line (see Deleuze and Guattari 1987), arrived to the West in considerable part through the influence of Islamic art. The occurrence of these ... -
A Guide to Post-photographic Territories in the Internet and Gallery (catalogue)
( and MENE, 2006-10)The catalogue of exhibition " post-photographical condition in contemporary art" (showed in 2006 in Vilnius, Lithuania) contains one text on the exhibition and its context in Lithuania as well as all ... -
Force and its Measure
Today, one often hears people talking about many different kinds of force having little or nothing in common with each other. The notion of “force” does not constitute a subject worth of interdisciplinary discussions between ... -
Force and its Measure
Today, one often hears people talking about many different kinds of force having little or nothing in common with each other. The notion of “force” does not constitute a subject worth of interdisciplinary discussions between ... -
Exchanging Information: metaphors of computation in neuroscience, genetics and new media art
(Museum of Contemporary Arts, Sydney, Australia, 2006)This paper argues that a common element of language exists between art and science. However, this element does not assist transparent communication between the two fields, as it is primarily metaphor that is the shared ... -
An Eternal Engine
This paper explores the idea of a contemporary Writing Machine. It theorises this notion as a further development of Borges's modernisation of Ramon Llull's 'thinking machine'. The paper applies this analysis to Wikipedia, ... -
Connaïtre les médias d'Afrique subsaharienne:Problématiques, sources et ressources
(Community Research and Development Center, 2010-01) -
‘Complexity-Uncanny’: Concepts and Methods in 20th century art
D'Arcy Thompson's 1917 On Growth and Form has had an unprecedented impact on modernism and the production of modernist discourses on form. The reception of Thompson's work in the context of the history of science, art and ... -
The Art of Installation
(Art Inquiry, 2000) -
Arte e ciência no século XIX: um estudo em torno da descoberta da fotografia no Brasil
(Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação de História Contemporânea do Brasil da Fundação Getúlio Vargas, 2004)This paper examines the relationship between art and science in the discovery of photography. It concerns an original photographic process created by the Frenchman Hercule Florence in the 19th century Brazil, simultaneously ... -
Anatomy Lessons
(Dewi Lewis Publishing, 2004)Practice-led interdisciplinary research, linked to completed PhD investigation into representations, historical and contemporary, of the anatomical theatre and the bio-medical domain. Funding: AHRC ‘Small Grants in The ... -
Ambientes Imersivos e participativos
(Brasília: IdA, 2005-09)Ambientes imersivos e participativos nesse texto são espaços que se utilizam do sistema computacional para promover uma ilusão perceptiva e que estimulam os sentidos do visitante através de aparatos multimidiáticos. Nos ... -
Vitalist technocratism in the times of materialist idealism on the philosophy of technology by Piotr Engelmeier in pre- and early Soviet Russia
(2007-11)The talk interprets the body of work by the philosopher-engineer Piotr Engelmeier dating from the 1910s-1920s. A few stories are tangled together here: a brief history of Russian philosophy of technology; an account of ... -
Video: Once Upon a Time There Was a Database…Database and Narrative from a Cognitive (...)
Once upon a time there was a database-Database and narrative from a cognitive (...) If narration makes up a core element in how we perceive and understand the world, such as has been argued from various corners of the ...