Donau Universitaet: Recent submissions
Now showing items 341-360 of 438
A scholar's crux: Methods of documentation through the lens of archive theory
Since the Archive of Digital Art (ADA) was founded in 1999, several methods of documentation were developed on this database for the conservation and presentation of media art. This research on archival strategies was ... -
Robot Aesthetics and Cultural Imperialism: the Double Hermeneutic of Computational Photography
This paper attempts to investigate the consequences of the emerging field of Automatic Aesthetic Quality Estimation, where deep neural networks are trained to predict the average ‘aesthetic rating’ of a photo. I first ... -
Return of operativity: Prolegomena to a grand narrative of media in deep time
When in recent decades extended temporal scales have entered media history, including MediaArtHistories, this has mostly implied the subversion of temporal coherence and evolutionary logic (cp. Huhtamo’s, Ernst’s and others’ ... -
Re-Tracing Methods: Rethinking Media Art Histories and Relations Between the North and the Global South
This paper examines the work of Mexican artist Marcela Armas, and the Colombian artistic duo Martinez-Zea (Camilo Martinez and Gabriel Zea). Although different at the aesthetic and conceptual level, the works of these ... -
Re-Tracing Aesthetic Strategies in Times of Electronic Waste
This paper starts with the assumption that we live in “Times of Waste”. Waste is haunting us, in waste we had to dwell, with waste we had to live, not against it. There is never nothing at the start, just as something is ... -
From Painting to Coding: The Art of Harold Cohen
This paper offers an analytical and critical survey of the oeuvre of British artist Harold Cohen (1928-2016) who was a pioneer of computer art and the development of an autonomous media that would be equivalent to his own ... -
Rethinking Affordance
Responding to the continued, accelerating rise of algorithmic culture, this presentation re-conceptualizes the concept of ‘affordance’ for the digital age, with a focus on theorizing artistic, practice-based interventions. ... -
Restored behavior: Performing Materiality
This paper reflects on the oeuvre of the Uruguayan media artist Brian Mackern and the Mexican performance practitioner Mónica Mayer as means to explore theoretical and practical challenges involved in the presentation, ... -
Reflections of contemporary society in media art: The visitor as a leading actor in artworks
This paper will focus on research into a newly evolving field in interactive media art within the genre of portrait: the visitors-portrait. For this, we can use already-established art historic methods, visual perception ... -
Re-enacting early video art as a research tool for media art histories
This paper will discuss re-enactment as a relevant tool for practice-based research to investigate pioneering video performances and video artworks from the 70s and 80s from a theoretical, art-historical and curatorial ... -
Re-appropriating the messiness of things: a more-than-human approach to curating in art and science
Despite being in full sight, many cabinets and showcases at universities and scientific institutions lie empty or underutilized. Located at the entrance of science departments, in proximity of laboratories, or in busy areas ... -
Pulse Project: Listening Across Disciplines and Cultures
This paper introduces Pulse Project (2011-2017), a performance research series exploring an ecology of complex relations between art, humanities, medicine, technology and culture. In this series, I embody transdisciplinary ... -
Projects in Visualizing Data 1992-2017
The translation of multivariate abstract data into visualization first requires a process of classification which is inherently culturally defined, given that systems of classification tend to be shaped by discipline-specific ... -
Postimage: On the Future Evolution of the Image and its Theory
This paper is part of a research project that addresses the future evolution of the image taking into account the increasing accuracy and autonomy of computer and machine vision. Taking the case of so-called mixed swarm ... -
Postdigital Pasts
As David Berry and Michael Dieter (2012) have described, postdigital refers not to life-after-digital but rather the ways in which computation has become ‘experiential, spatial and materialized; embedded and embodied’, ... -
Post-digital paradigm shift: from Narcissus to Perseus
A common approach to self-portraits is via paradigm (and theory) of Narcissism. Still, a shift funeral, hospital or roof selfies introduce into visuals of our time is; they describe the world, not as a mere individual set ... -
The post-digital imagery as relational object
I would like to re-examine the category of representation for the post-digital imagery which is understood in terms of “the continuous actualization of networked data” or “networked terminal” [Marie, Hoelzl 2015: loc. 146, ... -
A plan for reproduction of stage equipments of Dumb type’s performance “pH”
I’m planning to reproduce stage equipment of performance “pH”. The performance was made around 1990. It was shown all over the world in the period of 1990~95. From the view point of Media Archeology, there are so many ... -
Pink Skies and Green Screens: Readymade Colors and Chroma Keyed Moods in Video Art Since 2010
This paper examines the mood enhancing qualities of two chromatic tropes that recur with striking frequency in video art from the present decade: pink skies and green-screens. Featured in works by artists such as Victoria ... -
THE PHYSIOGNOMIC (UN)GENRE: Challenges of Automated Facial Expression Analysis-Based Media Art to both the Art and Science of Face
As 9/11, Facebook, and WikiLeaks level events forever change the media climate, the past-perfect promise of a newest harnessed methodology for face datafication and emotions computability inspires in the cultural imaginary ...