Donau Universitaet: Recent submissions
Now showing items 401-420 of 438
Digital Kinesthesia: Kinesthetic modes of media aesthetics in digital art
By the example of 15 interactive, responsive, immersive, augmented, and dynamic digital art installations which have been produced in the course of the transdisciplinary, arts-based research project „Digital Synesthesia“ ... -
Digital Art in Latin America
The emergence of new Media Art in Latin America is an extraordinary heritage but it has been under-represented in the art historical discourse. Pioneer Latin-American artists have neither been recognized nor absorbed in ... -
Digging the (new) media art scene of İstanbul: Towards Media Art Historical Re-discovery
This study is an attempt to excavate and analyze (new) media art scene of İstanbul in order to explore the particularities in the field and local histories of media art. There is still ambiguity about what (new) media art ... -
Design of Narrative Book Collection: Redesigning Pre-Modern Japanese Books in the Digital Age
This paper introduces Narrative Book Collection—a unique model of digital exhibition for pre-modern Japanese books that explores computational and visualization approaches to create a new book reading experience in the ... -
Datafying Media Art. Assessing Digital Methods for Media Art Research
Where the initial wave of Digital Humanities (DH) concentrated mainly on textual analysis, the contemporary DH witnessed a visual turn. This resulted not only in establishing visuals as subject of digital analysis but also ... -
DARIAH Connectivity Roundtable. Six Decades of Digital Arts and Museums: A New Infrastructure - Transcript
The panelists celebrated and discussed six decades of the digital arts and museums, and talked about what new infrastructures might be possible. The panel was then opened to audience questions and comments. -
CyberSyn and the symbolic (processing) memory of paper
Chile’s CyberSyn project —the cybernetic network aiming to monitor the economy, built in the early 1970s during the government of president Salvador Allende under the scientific direction of the British cybernetician, ... -
CyberSM, cybersex and 25 years of VR
2018 will mark the 25th anniversary of cyberSM, a series of media arts projects incorrectly heralded as the first fully-functional cyber-sex systems. These projects made frequent appearances in newspapers, magazines and ... -
Cybercontemporary art: mutations and digital contagion
Digital technologies are increasingly present and accessible in nowadays. This ubiquity produce a creative and specific research field, influencing the way others artistic production modes operates. Contemporary art, until ... -
Curating in the Age of Artistic Ubiquity and of Visulizing Techniques
The present cultural interest and technological effort around the subject of data mining, information retrieval and data and information visualization, not only in scientific fields, but also in common cultural experience ... -
Crowd-Sourced Intelligence Agency: Prototyping Counterveillance
This paper discusses how an interactive artwork, the Crowd-Sourced Intelligence Agency (CSIA), can contribute to discussions of Big Data intelligence analytics. The CSIA is a publicly accessible Open Source Intelligence ... -
The Crowdsourced Archive: Mobile Media, Photography, and the Local(ized) Frame
As mobile devices have proliferated, so too have the number of images that attempt to document a sense of place. These images are contributing to a growing visual database of how individuals see a region or a location. In ... -
Critical mining, Blockchain and Bitcoin in contemporary art
The Bitcoin was originally conceived as an electronic decentralized system for capital transactions. Each node (user) has the same opportunities to get a reward when validating a collection of transactions (block). In the ... -
Crisis as Critical Practice in the MENA
The awakening civil dissent in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) in 2010/2011 has been attended by forms of artistic as well as user-generated and cultural strategies that reflect critical dissonant practices in the ... -
Creative Encounters and Subaltern Aesthetics in the Early Years of the Indian Space Programme
The paper presents a historiography of satellite television in India, which was set up by the Indian space agency in the 1970s, and traces the involvement of creative practitioners in the conceptual development and ... -
Connective tissues in media interferences
Works of media art redefine seemingly stated borders between newly developed disciplines, as well as change the glossary they can operate. That is, witness diaries read in new programs in literature studies, alternative ... -
Computerising Leonardo: a visual dialogue from 1988 to now
I will begin with an excursus of computer vision techniques for exploring space in Renaissance paintings. I will then be looking at successive attempts in exhibitions and at one CD-ROM to use the dynamics of computer ... -
Computer art: the ‘orphan parent’ of media art
The sadness of most art is that it does not know its future. The sadness of much media art is that it does not know its (computer art) past. We develop alternative histories of media arts because of new trends, techniques ... -
Community Activist Video and the Origins of Video Art
On the basis that it is communication between us that makes us human and that real communication is a feedback process, moves were made in the mid-twentieth century to create a two-way media from the prevailing top-down ... -
Coding from the Latin American ancestral indigenous knowledge
Wawakipu is a computer science program developed by the MedialabUIO of the International Center for Advanced Studies of Communication for Latin America, which seeks to awaken computational thinking in children, mainly from ...