Donau Universitaet: Recent submissions
Now showing items 421-438 of 438
Code-Switching: Queering Media Art Histories
Speaking in code is the well-documented strategy of subaltern and queer cultures that grants queer people safe passage amidst hostile environments. Queer codes are never entirely separate, but woven into other forms of ... -
Carlos Relvas (1838-1894): The Intriguing Research of his Stereo Archive
Early this year a new research project was launched in Portugal, entitled ‘European Stereo Masters: Carlos Relvas’. Stemming from previous research on Portuguese stereoscopy, this project is focused on the stereo photographs ... -
BioCare: Feminist Labs and the Aesthetics of Care
In the science lab objectivity is key. Protocols are set in place to ensure that experiments go on without interference, without subjectivity, unnecessary inquiry, emotion or caring. These do not seem to be sites of ... -
Beyond Visualization: Geneologies of Unmapped Complexity in Media Art and Technology
In his 2012 essay, “Are Some Things Unrepresentable,” theorist Alexander Galloway wondered whether an understanding of the control society required a skepticism toward the mapping of systems, given the prominent role of ... -
Between light and dark archiving
Some people argue that the digital archive is an oxymoron (Laermans and Gielen 2007) or that it is more akin to an anarchive (Ernst 2002, Zielinski 2014). Derrida mentioned the word anarchive to signal that ‘what remains ... -
Art, Science and Technology in Russia: current affairs and ambitions for the future (from institutional and artistic perspective)
Experiments in art, science and technology in the cultural situation of post-Soviet Russia have been remaining relatively marginal area of contemporary art, education and cultural production. There were very few artists, ... -
Art on Instagram: Imaginary museums, counter-collections and moving images
This paper addresses the impact of the photographic reproduction of artworks at the museums and sharing of these images on Instagram. Created in 2010, when the museum began to reconsider the prohibitions to use mobile ... -
The artistic contribution of the electrographic practices in the archaeology of electronic art
Nowadays that it is almost a fact that electronic art and, therefore, Media Art, was not born without inheritance, this research presents a return to the past through the Media Archaeology methodology and within Media Art ... -
Art and Technology as Research: Episteme and Techne Fluidity
At the outset, the paper will present a selection of research fields and practices of members of RELATE (Research Laboratory for Art and Technology) at Aalborg University. As a newly founded research group, RELATE allows ... -
Archive Agencies. Tracing the Implied Producers of Media Art Collections
The relation between archives and history is, at best, a precarious one. It is often assumed that everything we need to remember or know is to be found in archives. And the way archives have been and are being used to write ... -
Approximate Repetitions: Latent Big Data
Donald Rumsfeld famously quipped, “There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There ... -
The anarchive series as a challenge between art and information. Another approach of media art history today
Based on examples from the anarchive series of digital monographs with artists such as Muntadas, Snow, Kuntzel, Otth, Nakaya, Fujihata and Campus, this presentation will discuss the incidence of digital technologies on the ... -
Amaru Cholango on How to Poeticize Technology
The Kichwa artist Amaru Cholango has been experimenting since the early 1990s with the boundaries between art and technology. While his creative inquiries cover an array of subjects, Cholango’s main interest conveys an ... -
Alternative Histories of New Media: Telecommunication Technologies and Media Arts in the Middle East
There has been a growing interest in alternative histories for new media imagery in the Middle East, especially after the so-called Arab Spring, in order to critically assess what new media has brought to the region. As ... -
Algorithmic Signs, Venice 2017: challenges in the curation and documentation of early computational and media art
The canon of 20th century art has been expanded over the past few decades to include neglected artists and genres. Media art, however, has largely remained outside of this “circle”. This presentation will explore how art ... -
After Internet? F.A.T. Lab’s farewell and reconsiderations of the post-internet trope in art
In August 2015, F.A.T. Lab art collective announced their shut down after eight years of activity, claiming that the cause of the internet, of ensuring its potential as a liberating medium, had been rendered futile. Its ... -
Aesthetics of Resolution
The presentation will focus on what Gerald Nestler calls an „Aesthetics of Resolution.“ This conceptual approach is based on the following characteristics: a post-disciplinary approach to conception and practice in which ... -
3×4: a telematic/architectural hypersurface
In her 2004 publication ‘Virtual Theatres’ Gabriella Giannachi wrote on the processes of doubling presence in interactive artworks, from liquid architecture to telematic performance, where the physical and virtual realms ...