Now showing items 21-40 of 130

    • Tearing down the biometric cage: deconstructing biometric surveillance through art 

      Ozog, Maciej
      This paper opens up for scrutiny the issue of transformation of strategies and practices of surveillance in the face of the widespread use of biometrics understood as bio-power technologies. Development of contemporary ...
    • Streaming Liquidity Inc.: Singularization and Commodification of the Digital Artwork 

      Bergs, Steyn
      Many digital artworks today exist uncomfortably between, on the one hand, the political economy of the art world—with its insistence on unique, auratic, and therefore valuable objects—and, on the other, that of the ...
    • Stargazing and the "Data Sublime" 

      Mikulinsky, Romi
      This paper explores the codependency between the explosion of information technology and human imagination, focusing specifically on stargazing and celestial imaging. Thanks to rapid technological advent in the 20th century, ...
    • Speculative-sensible Experience in Ryoji Ikeda’s Audiovisual Installation and Performance Inside and Outside of the White Cube 

      Lee, Joo Yun
      Since the 1990s, audiovisual installation and performance have been pervasive not only in art museums and alternative gallery spaces but also in media art festivals and urban spaces, crossing the split between mainstream ...
    • The Social Lives Of Online Art 

      Wild, Karin de
      The pioneering artworks on the World Wide Web (created in the nineties) can now be approached with some historical distance. How are these artworks remembered over time? This research critically examines online artworks ...
    • The social impact of Media Art 

      Catricalà, Valentino
      Technological advancement has imposed a new deterministic vision in media studies. This vision is based on a linear idea of evolution: an interpretation of a Darwinian trajectory, revealed by the prominent use of the prefix ...
    • Social Broadcasting: An Unfinished Communications Revolution 

      Packer, Randall
      This paper examines the history of social broadcasting and the experimental video art movement that brought about a radical departure from traditional, hierarchical forms of mainstream media and television. The concept of ...
    • Shifting Sands: Sand as Medium in Israeli New Media Art 

      Aldouby, Hava
      The proposed paper investigates, in a specifically Israeli context, the use of sand as a medium for projection of generative animation. Works by two Israeli media artists, Ronen Shaharabani and Shirley Shor, will serve as ...
    • The Shape of the Moving Image 

      Bhatt, Mehul
      Driven by cognitive studies of visuo-auditory narrative media, our research focusses on developing methods for the machine coding of the shape of the moving image from the viewpoints of artificial intelligence, visuo-spatial ...
    • Sensed Selves: The (expanded) Sensorium in Media Art History 

      Salter, Chris
      In his late work Technologies of the Self, the French philosopher Michel Foucault famously described four “technologies” that train, produce and regulate modern selves. For Foucault, technology or “techné” involves forms ...
    • Scroll as Virtual Media: Kinetic Abstraction and Projection circa 1920 

      Lee, Jungmin
      This paper considers the historical avant-garde’s use of scrolls to delineate an alternative history of experimental cinema. In 1919, Hans Richter, associated with the Bauhaus, experimented with scroll drawing titled ...
    • Science/Fiction: Canadian Information Art in the 1970s 

      Lauder, Adam
      This paper proposes an original reading of Canadian artists’ evolving relationship to information technologies and changing concepts of “information” during the 1970s, as McLuhan’s media metaphysics entered a period of ...
    • A scholar's crux: Methods of documentation through the lens of archive theory 

      Hoth, Janina
      Since the Archive of Digital Art (ADA) was founded in 1999, several methods of documentation were developed on this database for the conservation and presentation of media art. This research on archival strategies was ...
    • Robot Aesthetics and Cultural Imperialism: the Double Hermeneutic of Computational Photography 

      Impett, Leonardo
      This paper attempts to investigate the consequences of the emerging field of Automatic Aesthetic Quality Estimation, where deep neural networks are trained to predict the average ‘aesthetic rating’ of a photo. I first ...
    • Return of operativity: Prolegomena to a grand narrative of media in deep time 

      Wamberg, Jacob
      When in recent decades extended temporal scales have entered media history, including MediaArtHistories, this has mostly implied the subversion of temporal coherence and evolutionary logic (cp. Huhtamo’s, Ernst’s and others’ ...
    • Re-Tracing Methods: Rethinking Media Art Histories and Relations Between the North and the Global South 

      Vergara-Vargas, Erandy
      This paper examines the work of Mexican artist Marcela Armas, and the Colombian artistic duo Martinez-Zea (Camilo Martinez and Gabriel Zea). Although different at the aesthetic and conceptual level, the works of these ...
    • Re-Tracing Aesthetic Strategies in Times of Electronic Waste 

      Volkart, Yvonne
      This paper starts with the assumption that we live in “Times of Waste”. Waste is haunting us, in waste we had to dwell, with waste we had to live, not against it. There is never nothing at the start, just as something is ...
    • From Painting to Coding: The Art of Harold Cohen 

      Menezes, Caroline
      This paper offers an analytical and critical survey of the oeuvre of British artist Harold Cohen (1928-2016) who was a pioneer of computer art and the development of an autonomous media that would be equivalent to his own ...
    • Rethinking Affordance 

      Scarlett, Ashley; Zeilinger, Martin
      Responding to the continued, accelerating rise of algorithmic culture, this presentation re-conceptualizes the concept of ‘affordance’ for the digital age, with a focus on theorizing artistic, practice-based interventions. ...
    • Restored behavior: Performing Materiality 

      Morfin, Jo Ana
      This paper reflects on the oeuvre of the Uruguayan media artist Brian Mackern and the Mexican performance practitioner Mónica Mayer as means to explore theoretical and practical challenges involved in the presentation, ...